Jahresrückblick – Artist’s Review of the Year 2019
Even if this wasn’t exactly an easy year, I have much to be grateful for. I had my first International Art Fair at the very heart of Paris, but also exhibited in galleries – one of my pictures even made it to New York! I want to thank Susanne from BeuteltierArt Gallery in Leipzig for her patience and for believing in me! Also, her galleries’ very own guarding dog Vara deserves to be mentioned. I want to thank Lea from Staylight Design for our wonderful cooperation, that shooting in Hamburg was epic! And I still haven’t released the best pictures of it yet! The Wave-Gotik-Treffen is always one of my highlights, many thanks to the visitors as shown in the video: Phillow Kurama, Valentin Winter, Miss Malkavian, Xelanah Elfyra, Jeroen Alders, Theresa Fractale; Lilachris and many more! (You can find more pictures here!) Much of 2019 was about focusing on my projects and creating very personal dark artworks as well as developing my skills. I am looking forward to 2020, new opportunities and meeting a lot of people again.
My Top Nine 2019 according to Instagram
No surprise, the Wave-Gotik-Treffen hit home again, it’s my home, after all! Thank you everyone for taking part and – please! – pm me for next year! Exhibiting my works in LE and in Paris and NY, that was quite something! Also, there was this great cooperation with Staylight Design! But mainly this year was about dealing with stuff and stuffing it into my works. And, it worked for some of you pretty well! 🙂 I thank you all for that and be sure, I am busy working on more special and dark imagery.